Monday’s Musing

musingmondaysbigHow does your being sick (or injured) affect your reading? Do you read more? Less? Do you pick out a different book than you had already planned? Do you have a “comfort book” that makes you feel better?

I definitely read more when I am sick. Being sick is one of the rare times during the school year when I can actually read a whole book in one sitting. A few years ago I remember reading The Kite Runner while having one of the worst colds/flus I have ever experienced. When I re-read the book without the stuffed up head I realized that I had missed out on all the stylistic features of that book that makes Hosseini such a talented writer. His imagery, figurative language and narrative techniques sort of went unnoticed by me the first time I read it. So now I tend to lean toward the more “fluffier” novels when I am sick; the ones you read just to lose yourself in a good story that doesn’t require too much brain power.